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Residential Solar

At The Power Project, we're on a mission to bring the sun's energy directly to your doorstep. Discover the beauty of residential solar solutions tailored just for you. From eco-friendly power to significant savings on your energy bills, our team is dedicated to transforming houses into sustainable havens.

Want to know how solar energy works?

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We're proud to revolutionize the energy storage market by offering backup batteries. In a market saturated with solar systems bundled with batteries, we stand out as the only provider offering backup batteries independently.
We understand that not everyone requires a complete solar system overhaul. Some individuals may already have a reliable solar setup. Recognizing this demand, we have tailored our offerings to cater to those who require backup batteries without the need for additional solar components.


Whether you require a roof replacement, repair, or a brand-new installation, The Power Project is your go-to partner for residential roofing excellence. Elevate the aesthetic appeal, functionality, and protection of your home with our trusted roofing services. Contact us today to embark on the journey of enhancing your home's curb appeal and longevity.

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Solar-Powered Home

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